Queen of Silk emerges as a captivating new fragrance for women from The House of Creed embodying the opulent lustre and ethereal softness of silk, a precious fabric treasured since time immemorial for its beauty and delicate touch. 

This spellbinding Eau de Parfum gently embraces the skin, leaving an enchanted trail in the air that shimmers with luminous energy. Transporting you to the distant lands through which this ancient treasure once journeyed, Queen of Silk weaves together sublime Chinese osmanthus, decadent tuberose and ethereal Javanese patchouli. These heady notes dance over complex cedar, agarwood and smoulderingly soft Madagascan vanilla in a lingering, sensual testament to timeless refinement.

Shop now.

Consultations at the Creed Boutique

Immerse yourself in a world of unrivalled fragrances, coveted candles and rich bath and body care with Creed's private one-hour consultation. Held in their exquisite Creed Boutiques, their bespoke fragrance consultations offer a private and restful experience, where guests will be guided through the luxurious Creed fragrance collection by their in-house fragrance’s experts, helping you to uncover your perfect signature scent for any occasion.

Mayfair Boutique: +44 207 495 1795
